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来源:考试网   2020-07-25【

  1. 通过立法加强个人信息保护已成为保护公民隐私和生命财产安全、规范网络健康有序发展的必然要求。It is increasingly important to enhance legislation on personal information protection as a way to protect people’s privacy, safety and property and promote sound and orderly development of the internet.

  2. 人工智能引领社会发展是大势所趋。Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to lead the next wave of progress.

  3. 人工智能技术的应用具有不确定性,会给人类社会带来法律关系、道德伦理、社会治理等方面的新挑战。Uncertainties over AI application will present new legal, ethical and social challenges for us/humankind.

  4. 把人工智能方面立法列入抓紧研究项目,将围绕相关法律问题进行深入的调查论证。AI legislation has been made a priority,and in-depth study and vigorous debate will be carried out for that matter.

  5. 要用创新的合作模式,以点带面,从线到片,逐步形成区域大合作。We will take an innovative cooperative approach, starting with individual projects that are expected to help spur larger-scale regional cooperation.

  1. 白衣执甲、逆行出征Heedless of their own safety, medical workers headed for the frontline against the virus.

  2. 轻症患者 patients with mild symptoms

  3. 重症患者patients in severe or critical condition

  4. 无症状感染者asymptomatic cases/infections; asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19

  5. 新冠病毒检测为阳性/阴性to test positive/negative for the coronavirus

  6. 创伤后应激障碍post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



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