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来源:考试网   2019-09-27【

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  Marginally 微小的,微不足道的


  毕马威(KPMG)和悉尼大学(University of Sydney)发表的研究报告显示,在2016年两国企业签署的创纪录的103份协议中,中国民营企业签署了创纪录的78份协议,投资金额达到76亿澳元。

  The record 103 deals made during the year included A$7.6bn of investments made by Chinese private companies from a record 78 deals, according to the report by KPMG and the University of Sydney.


  Commercial real estate saw the largest investment, attracting A$5.6bn, or 36 per cent of the total –down marginally from 2015. This was followed by A$4.3bn investment into infrastructure, which at 28 per cent of the total marked a record year for the sector. Healthcare investments put that sector in the third place with 9 per cent of total investments, or A$1.4bn.

  在中国投资飙升之际,澳大利亚外国投资审查委员会(Foreign Investment Review Board)更加严格地审查国内港口、公用事业企业以及其他公共基础设施的出售交易。澳大利亚去年以国家安全为由,否决了两起外资对本国电力公司Ausgrid提出的10多亿澳元的竞购,并在今年1月立新机构来识别关键基础设施。

  Australia Foreign Investment Review Board has introduced tougher scrutiny of sales of ports, utilities and other public infrastructure amid a surge in Chinese investment. The country last year blocked two over-one-billion A$ foreign bids for electricity company Ausgrid on national security grounds and in January introduced a new body to identify critical infrastructure.


  In regional terms, New South Wales attracted 53 percent of total investments from China at A$8bn, followed by Victoria at A$3.9bn.


  Tasmania saw a record year for/of Chinese investment as well, with A$280m poured into agriculture. Overall investment into agribusiness tripled in 2016 compared to a year earlier, pushing it from seventh to fourth place at A$1.2bn.

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