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来源:考试网   2019-10-22【


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  I, Shu Sheyu, style myself Lao She. I am a pale and beardless 40-year-old born in Beiping. I became fatherless at the age of 3 when my father died and emperorless at school age when the emperorwas dethroned. Fatherless and emperorless, I was especially filial and respectful to my mother. In my childhood, I read the Book of Songs, making no effort to understand the meaning thoroughly. Years later, I attended a normal school, where I prepared myself to be a teacher/ where I laid a foundation for my career as a teacher. In the prime of my life, I roved hither and thither/ went from one place to another, earning a living by teaching. As fortune seldom came to me, I prided myself on winning the smallest prize every time I bought a lottery ticket, which shows I enjoy myself in leading a poor and humble life. At 27, I made a determined effort to write books. Having achieved no success/ got nowhere with sciences and philosophy, I turned to fiction writing merely to amuse my readers, which is no big feat / did not amount to much. I got married at the age of 34. Now I have a son and a daughter. They are both naughty and lovable. Though an extensive reader withough much gains, I am not upset. I am conscientious in teaching and handling affairs, not regretting in spite of losses. If I could live another 40 years, I might get somewhere.





  2019翻译资格考试培训班已开课,内含业内导师精编习题、解密历年命题规律,助力实力通关!进入试听>> 免费学习

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