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来源:考试网   2019-09-16【


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  Today is the International Day against Drug Abuseand Illicit Trafficking. To our delight, countriesaround the world are joining hands to combat illicitdrug abuse. Sixteen days ago, the GeneralAssembly of the United Nations concluded athree-day Special Session on fighting the world drugproblem, sounding a clarion call for an unprecedented worldwide war against drugs.


  As mankind is about to embrace a new millennium, the drug issue takes on an even greaterurgency. Despite of strengthened anti-drug efforts of many countries, the spread of illicitdrugs averages US$400 billion each year. Illicit drug consumption involves about 3 percent ofthe world's population. Statistics indicate as many as 100,000 people die from drugs everyyear worldwide, and 10 million drug users are deprived of the capability to work.


  The drug issue has direct bearing on social stability, social security and the destiny ofmankind as a whole. All countries in the world should be fully aware of the pressing anddemanding task of combating drugs and take concrete and effective measures to wipe outthe evil. The Chinese Government has always paid great attention to drug control and taken anintegrated approach to deal with drug abuse and drug trafficking through legal, political,administrative, economic, cultural, educational, and other means. A recent national drugprevention exhibition staged in Beijing drew half a million visitors so far. The exhibition wasintended to spotlight the damage drugs inflict upon society and family.


  Out of ignorance, or driven by their desire for stimulus, or simply influenced by drug-users, agrowing number of people, especially youngsters, have fallen victim to drugs. Of the drugaddicts registered throughout the country, 80 percent of them are youths. Therefore, much stillremains to be done in China's anti-drug campaign. On top of the agenda, there is the need toraise people's awareness of the harm of drugs, to provide more help for drug addicts to getrid of the unhealthy habit and to enforce stricter laws for drug related crimes.


  We hope governments around the world will take their due responsibilities in internationalanti-drug cooperation, and spread the net of justice over every link of the drug market, sothat a drug-free world will be created for our future generations.





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