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来源:考试网   2022-06-18【

China has approved three domestic COVID-19 vaccines for emergency use in children aged 3 to 11.Two inactivated vaccines developed by Sinopharm and one inactivated vaccine created by Sinovac Biotech have been cleared for emergency use in people aged 3 to 11.

目前国药中生北京所、武汉所,科兴中维的新冠灭活疫苗已经获准在 3 至 11 岁人群中开展紧急使用。根据科研攻关组疫苗研发专班专家论证意见,新冠病毒灭活疫苗在 3—11 岁人群中的安全性和免疫原性,与 18 岁以上人群没有显著性差异(inactivated COVID-19 vaccines are as safe and effective among people aged 3 to 11 as they are in people aged over 18)。国务院联防联控机制根据相关工作进展,综合考虑我国疫苗生产能力、接种能力、临床试验情况和防控工作实际,进一步扩大了接种范围(authorities have taken manufacturing and inoculation capacity, clinical trial results and epidemic situation into consideration, and decided to further expand its immunization campaign),将疫苗接种目标人群由 12 岁以上调整至 3 岁以上。


我们将继续按照知情、同意、自愿的原则(abide by the principles of voluntary participation and informed consent),积极引导 3 至 11 岁无禁忌人群应接尽接,力争 12 月底前完成全程接种(aim to vaccinate all eligible children by this year's end)。同时,要求接种点有儿科急诊急救人员,还有

儿童急救药品保障。截至 10 月 29 日,已经接种 353 万剂次( 3.53 million doses had been delivered to the age group)。

谈及儿童接种新冠病毒疫苗的必要性,中国疾控中心免疫规划首 席专家在会上指出,过去认为,儿童新冠肺炎发病率较低,但随着疫情的传播和流行,现在儿童的发病水平和去年年底成人发病水平已经接近或增加(incidence rates of COVID-19 in young people in some countries are rising and even nearing the rates among adults, challenging the previous perception that children are at lower risk of contracting the virus),因此给儿童接种疫苗有其必要性。

3 岁-11 岁儿童可能还要接种其他疫苗,务必让新冠病毒疫苗与其他疫苗接种间隔 14 天以上(since many minors also need to receive other vaccines in the national vaccination program, different vaccines should be given at least 14 days apart)。如果必须接种狂犬病疫苗、破伤风疫苗等,可以不考虑时间间隔的要求。


国产疫苗 domestic vaccines

加强针 booster shots

发病率 incidence rates

全程接种 full vaccination

群体免疫 herd immunity

口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题


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