

当前位置:考试网 >> 翻译资格考试 >> 二级笔译 >> 英语指导 >> 2021catti中级笔译词汇学习:第二节


来源:考试网   2020-12-29【

  档案馆 Archives Center

  操场 Playground

  足球场 Football Field 或 Soccer Field

  篮球场 Basketball Court

  田径场 Track-and-Field Ground

  运动场 Sports Ground 或 Sports Field

  体育馆 Indoor Stadium 或 Gymnasium 或 Sports Hall

  游泳馆 Natatorium 或 Indoor Swimming Pool

  游泳池 Swimming Pool

  健身中心 Fitness Center 或 Health Club

  大礼堂 Auditorium 或 Assembly Hall

  剧院;剧场 Theater

  展览馆 Exhibition Center 或 Exhibition Hall

  艺术馆 Art Museum

  大学生活动中心 Student Center47 会议中心 Conference Center 或 Convention Center

  校史馆;校史陈列室 ___History Museum〔____处根据不同的学校性质填入 University 或 College 或 School〕

  公告栏 Notice Board 或 Bulletin Board

  校区平面图 Campus Map

  1.常态化疫情防控 regular epidemic prevention and control

  2.输入病例 imported COVID-19 cases

  3.集中观察 concentrated observation

  4.非低风险地区high- or medium-risk areas

  5.研究生入学考试national postgraduate entrance exam

  6.减少不必要的外出和聚会活动avoid nonessential outing and gathering

  1.中国交通可持续发展sustainable development of transport in China

  2.铁路营运里程mileage of operational railway

  3.交通强国a country with strong transportation network

  4.补齐农村基础设施和公共服务短板shore up the weak links of rural infrastructure and public services

  5.加大交通、水利、能源等领域投资力度efforts should be strengthened to enhance investments in sectors including transport, water conservancy and energy

  1. 扩大公共场所免费上网范围make free internet access available in more public places

  2. 推进普及高中阶段教育work to make senior secondary education universally available

  3. 优化存量资源配置 improve the allocation of available resources

  4. 人人都应享有基本医疗卫生服务。 Everyone should have access to basic medical and public health services.

  5. 积极推动农民工子女平等接受教育 ensure that children of rural migrant workers in cities have equal access to education

  1.军队后勤条例 regulations on military logistics

  2.世界一流军队world-class military

  3.联勤保障joint logistics support

  4.军民融合civil-military integration

  5.建设强大的现代化后勤the building of a strong and modernized logistics system for the military


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



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