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来源:考试网   2019-06-20【



  【参考译文】The importance of the Internet in China’s reform and opening up cannot be overstated. The year of 2000 marks the beginning of nearly two decades’ popularity the Internet has enjoyed in China. Especially over the last 15 years, the Internet has played a decisive role in sustaining rapid development of the country. Economic development is enabled, crucially, by two factors: first, the improvement of production efficiency with higher product quality and more creative designs, and second, open channels through which factory products can be delivered to customers at the fastest speed and lowest cost. That is how the Internet decisively accounts for China’s industrial development.


  【参考译文】The development of the Internet has significantly narrowed our gap with advanced countries in design concepts and design talents. We are offered a faster access to the world’s state-of-the-art design techniques and concepts by the Internet. More importantly, the Internet can bring about more effects. This has greatly accelerated economic development.


  【参考译文】 As for channels, the Internet has an even more evident effect, for example, on e-commerce. It has made it easier for ordinary people to express their own will, and share critical comments on some of our existing products, which will facilitate the production of enterprises and the modernization of government functions. Firstly, people in urban and rural areas, by going online, are equal in accessing and communicating information, which allows all of them to see the development of China and Chinese cities in real time. The Internet then stimulates the aspirations of common people to seek a better life, and turns their aspirations into a powerful driving force for development.





责编:liyuxin 评论 纠错


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