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来源:考试网   2019-10-29【


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  It is obvious to all that, in tandem with rapid economic and social development, great progress has beenachieved in the promotion of gender equality and women’s development in China over the past twodecades.


  Chinese women make up one fifth of the world’s total female population. Gender equality and women’sdevelopment in China not only give expression to China’s own progress, but also constitute a historicalcontribution made to global equality, development and peace.


  During the implementation of comprehensive poverty reduction strategies, China has given overallconsideration to the impact of urbanization, aging, climate change and other social and market factors onpoverty among women, and strengthened efforts to address such poverty.The number of impoverishedwomen has dropped by an enormous margin, and the severity of poverty of women has beencontinuously alleviated. In the 592 poorest counties which are made the main targets of national povertyalleviation and development work, the poverty rate of the female population decreased from 20.3 percentin 2005 to 9.8 percent in 2010.


  As a developing country with the world’s largest population and restricted by its limited level ofeconomic and social development, Chinawill continue to be confronted with new situations andproblems in its efforts to promote women’s development. There is still a long way to go to achievegender equality in China, and arduous tasks remain to be tackled.

  2019翻译资格考试培训班已开课,内含业内导师精编习题、解密历年命题规律,助力实力通关!进入试听>> 免费学习

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