

当前位置:考试网 >> 商务英语 >> BEC初级 >> 模拟试题 >> 2020年初级商务英语词汇练习(4)


来源:考试网   2019-12-02【

  1 the boss of this opelauon was a brilhant but eccentre man

  A.pecuflar B particular C boring D. poignant

  2 The company paid the chief operating office handsomely. He drew $13million in Salart and bonus and his一一included $ 103.000 for vacations,

  A. wages B. revenues C. profits D. perks

  3.__he needed money for his mothers operation; the driver resisted the temptation to keep the fat wallet a customer had left behind in the car.

  A. Much as B. So much

  C. As Inucl, D. Much so

  4. IBM earns near]' half of its revenue these da_s front its consulting arm. IBM GlobalServices. which is far more labor intensive than old business___like buildingmainframes or designiltg software

  A. lines B. companies C. contacts D. tows

  5. We were taught to reminisce the misery of the past and contrast it with the happiness of

  A. reflect B. recall C. relate D. resume

  6. Wemanaged to stand out against all attempts to close the company down

  A. continue to resist B.go ahead with

  C. stand outby D. stand up for

  7. They tried-__vain to talk their son into majoring in law.

  A. for B. in C. on D. with

  8. Menchaca diligently responds and links to critic.

  A. deliberately B. intelligently

  C. assiduously D. delicate]

  9. The challenge for every prisoner. particularl; every political prisoner. is how to survivehvact. how to emerge undiminished. how to conserve and even renlenish one's beliefs

  A. replicate B. repose C. disseminate D. refill

  10. Britain's media are exported everywhere and tens of thousands of students in their

  'gap" year inflict themselves on India and Australia.

  A. impose B. force’ C. urn, D. exhort

  【答案】1-10 ADAAB ABCDD

责编:liyuxin 评论 纠错


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