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考试网  [ 2017年4月24日 ] 【

  Post-acquisition valuation requires a different mindset and series of methods. Here, students will need to ascertain the value of the combined companies after acquisition. More importantly, past exam requirements have requested students to ascertain the percentage gain or loss to both groups of shareholders – those of both the buying and selling companies.



  The post-acquisition valuation methods are:

  · bootstrapping – applying the price earnings ratio of the buyer to the combined expected earnings of the two entities

  · combining the pre-acquisition values of the two companies and appending these with the fair value of the synergies

  · free cash flows (FCF) – present value of the combined companies FCF using the relevant discount rate.


  l 自举-将买方的市盈率与两个企业的预期收益相结合。

  l 结合两家公司收购前的价值并且附加到合并公司的公允价值中

  l 自由现金流(FCF)-使用相关的折扣率得出合并公司自由现金流的现值。

  As I have stated above, your Paper P4 preparation should include ample time to study and understand the equity valuation methods above, allowing you to apply your knowledge successfully in the exam room.


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