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考试网  [ 2016年4月18日 ] 【

  <3> Input, process and output: the main stage of operation

  <4> Comparator: compares actual system behavior with the plan

  <5> Effector: enact control action to change the actual system behavior, take action to reduce failures

  1.4 Process of internal control system

  <1> Identification of system objectives

  <2> Setting target for system objectives

  <3> Measuring achievement/output of the system

  <4> Compare achievement with target

  <5> Identifying what corrective action might be necessary

  <6> Implementing corrective action

  1.5 Importance of Internal control and risk management in corporate governance

  <1> They help companies to achieve planned objectives in a effective and efficient way

  <2> They set up reliable internal control system and risk management to reduce significant business, operational, financial and other risks

  <3> They are fundamental components of good corporate governance, and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations

  <4> They safeguard shareholders investment and companies’ assets from inappropriate use

  <5> They enhance the quality and reliability of internal and external reporting

  1.6 Characteristic of a sound internal control system

  <1> Be embedded in the operation of the company and form part of its culture

  <2> Be capable of responding quickly to evolving risks within the business

  <3> Include procedures for reporting immediately to management significant control failings and weakness together with control action being taken (effective monitoring on a continuous basis)

  1.7 Consideration for the element of internal control system

  The board must ensure that the system of internal control is effective in managing risks. It should consider:

  <1> The nature and extent of the risks facing the company

  <2> The extent and categories of risk which it regards as acceptable for the company to bear

  <3> The likelihood of the risks concerned material

  <4> The company’s ability to reduce the incidence and impact on the business of risks that do material

  <5> The costs of operation particular controls relative to the benefit thereby obtained in managing the related risks

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