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来源:考试网   2010-05-04   【

例(1)Why are newspaper considered as an important medium according to the passage? (1998年6月六级简答题S2)

  (分析:此题用why来提问,短文中似乎没有because……回应句。但考生在第一段应该会看到这样一句话:Of all the media, television is clearly dominant, with newspapers a close second, at least as a source of news and other information. 此句中直接谈到"newpapers"的作用"as a source of news and other information",as是重要标志,因而题干答案即为:Because they are a source of news and other information.

例(2)Why was it easy for boats to tumble over in the Colorado? (1998年1月六级简答题S2)

  (分析:此题在短文第一段中没有出现任何表因果关系的连词,但文中有两处关键的话,即,all of us naturally set aside any pretenses(矫饰) and put out backs into ever stroke to keep the boat from tumbling over. <此处考生要知道keep … from … 之意,防止…被…>,……working together to cope with the unpredictable twists and turns of the river. 前一句话暗示出小船极易"tumble over",后一句话表明河流有:"the unpredictable twists and turns",故答案为:Because the rivers is full of twists and turns.)

(3)范例型题目:需要概括答案的。表示举例的关键词有:for example, such …as, for instance, that is, as follow等。考生对这些词后面的内容要注意。

例(1)For one reasons or another, people's exposure to the media is often _______. (1998年6月六级简答题3)

  (分析:此题文中第二段首句就突出了主题:There are various factors that can cause you to expose yourself to the media selectively, ……. 然后指出原因:…… is probably due to the psychological pressure …. However, … but to other factors, such as….考生只要找到"selectively"、"due to …"、"other factors"、"such as"等词,就能够填完题干句,即 … is often selective and influenced by different factors.)

例(2) What caused the sharp conflict in the GM plant in the late 1970s? (1998年1月六级简答题S4)

  (分析:此题的答案需要从文中所举例子前后经过的描述中才能概括出来。文中用For example道出事情经过:For example, in the late 1970s a General Motor plant in Fremont, Calif, was the scene of constant warefare between labor and management. Distrust ran so high that the labor contract was hundreds of pages of tricky legal terms. ……关键词有"Distrust"、"high"、"tricky"。此外,上一段"the teamwork is the key to making dreams come ture"也很重要,因为所举例子是论证此观点的,故考生可概括出答案:Distrust and lack of teamwork)

(4)对照比较型题目:对照比较目的在于所涉及的两个事物之间的不同或相似之处,进而说明主题.表对照的关键词有:however、nevertheless、in contrast、 on the other hand、but、yet、while等。表比较的词有:likewise、in the same way、as if、as等。

例(1) Developing children's self-confidence helps bring them up to be _______ (1999年1月六级简答题S5)

  (分析:此题答案在短文最后一句能直接找到。Giving children the opportunity to develop new resources, to enlarge their horizons and discover the pleasures of doing things on their own is, on the other hand, a way to help children develop a confident feeling about themselves as capable and intersting people. 句中on the other hand表对照,暗示出与前面相反的结果,故答案为:capable and interesting people)

例(2) When parents show constant disappointment in their children, the destructive effect is that the children will _____ .(1999年1月六级题S4)

  (分析:此题答案从文中最后一段第一、二句即可总结出。Such disappointment, however, is not only unjust, it is also destructive. Sensing their parent's disappointment, children come to believe that they are, indeed, lacking something, and that this makes them less worthy of admiration and respect. 句中"however"表强转折,强调"destructive",后一句解释有什么危害,关键词有"lacking something"、"less worthy of admiration and respect",故答案可总结为: lost their confidence and respectability.)


例(1) What does the author think Joe Jempler should be blamed for? (1997年1月六级简答题72)

  (分析:此题答案在文可找到大部分词句,但需要作些变换。原句有:Joe Templer should have known better: ……。It won't hurt to leave the key in the truck this once, ……。考生应知道:"should +have+V-ed"用法,其次"leave the key in the truck"是关键词。通过这些知识点可知答案为:Having left his key in the truck. 注意答案时态变化。)

例(2) What are the two ways, thieves sell the stolen cars?

  (分析:此题答案文中有两句已告知。Typically, stolen cars are taken to pieces and the parts sold to individuals. But as many as 200,000 cars are struggled out of the country every year. 考生需要把这两句话意思高度概括出,在词法句式上作些变化。答案为:Selling by parts and smuggling into other countries.)

例(3) The last sentence of the passage indicates that one's exposure to the media is ______ (1998年6月六级简答题S5)

  (分析:此题答案文中最后一句话已表明。These various factors have so much influence on your media exposure that so little of that exposure is planned. 考生只需作些词法变换即可,答案为:hardly planned.)

例(4)What was the explanation of animal-behavior experts for the "clever" behavior of pets? (1997年6月六级简答题S5)

  (分析:此题答案短文最后一句即点明:The behavior was a mechanical result of the training. 但考生需要联系本段中心意思,得知此结论符合动物专家观点,故答案为:A mechanical result of training)




例(1) What did Newton seem puzzled about? (1997年6月六级简答题S1)

  (分析:此题文中第一段只描写了一个事实:Whenever I tossed out a Frishbee(飞碟) for him to chase, he'd take off in hot pursuit but then seem to lose track of it. Moving back and forth only a yard of two from the toy, Newton would look all around, even up into the tress. He seemed genuinely puzzled. 通过对这几句描述的理解,考生应明白Newton似乎不知上哪儿去找飞碟,故答案为:Not knowing the Frishee's track.)

例(2)What made it possible for the TIM reporters to come up with so many interesting stories about pets?

  (分析:此题考生需要理解短文第二段第一、二句话:Just about every pet owner has a story like this and is eager to share it with anyone who will listen. On very short notice, TIME reporters came up with ……. 从这里可推知,记者们正是听到了宠物主人的宣扬才得知这些故事的。因此答案为:That the owners want others to share their stories.)

例(3) According to many parents, without TV, their children would like them to _____ .

  (分析: 此题答案在短文首句中即可推断出. Many parents who welcome the family are still worried that without TV they would constantly be on call as entertainers for their children. 关键词是without TV, be on call as entertainers,由此可知,孩子们是希望父母陪他们玩, 故答案为:play with their children.)

例(4)What comment did the author make about the highly successful people travelling with him?(1998年1月六级简答题S1)

Atfer only two days in the river, people accustomed to being spoiled and indulged had become a team, working together to cope with the unpredictable twists and turns of the river. 句中"accustomed to being spoiled and indulged"是关键词,它表有作者的评价。故答案为:They were used to being spoiled and idulged.)

(2)通过前后句以及上、下文内在逻辑进行推理。此类题一般针对主题思想、作者意图而设计的。考生要注意首句、段尾句和表示转折或因果关系的一些词,如:but, however, yet, in short, as, although, as a result, because, since, therefore, thus, so等。

例(1) Why does the author say Newton had unique sense of humour?

  (分析:短文第一段先描写了Newton似乎不知道该上哪儿找飞碟,但当作者准备去帮它时,"he would run invariably straight over the Frisbee, grab it and start running like mad, looking over his should with what looked suspiciously like a grin."从这前,后句可以看出Newton是在挑逗、欺骗作者。故答案为:Because Newton intended to deceive him.)

例(2) What happened to the New York knicks in the 1980s? (1998年1月六级简答题S3)

  (分析:此题答案需要从短文中关键一句才能推出。I played basketball alongside famous players, and the team I now coach, the New York Knicks, has from years of the adversity to become a major contender in the 1990s. 句中: recovered from years of adversity "是关键词,它暗示出该队曾陷入困境,故答案为:It was in adversity.这需要从句子的内在逻辑中才能推出。)

例(3) What spirit was encouraged in the reopened GM plant? (1998年1月六级简答题S5)

  (分析:此题需要理解全文的中心思想才能推导出。因为全篇文章是讲团队精神的重要性。最后一段通过事实围绕此主题展开的,因此可知答案为:teamwork spirit。)

例(4)Exposure to all media is important and people sometimes tend to use more media if ____ (1998年6月六级简答题S1)

  (分析:此题从原文中直接找不到答案,它需要理解第一段中心大意及关键句子,且考生只能用自己语言来表达。首段主要讲大众媒体的重要性,然后用一句话点出:Our exposure to all media is important, however, because all of them contribute materials for the construction of that world in our heads. 考生只要理解了because 后面句子意思,就能准确地补完题干条件句:if they want to know more about the world 。)

例(5) Many parents think that, instead of watching a lot of TV, their children should ______. (1999年1月六级简答题题S2)

  (分析:此题答案在第一段关键一句理解基础上再作逆向思维即可推导出。They remember thinking up all sorts of things to do when they were kids. But their own kids seem different, less resourceful, somehow. 此句意即父母们记得他们小时候总能想到许多事情去做的。但他们现在的孩子似乎不同,总觉得没什么事做。这就表明,许多父母认为,如果不去看电视,他们的孩子也应该想出许多事做,故答案为:think up things to do.)





