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来源:考试网 [ 2015年6月16日 ] 【大 中 小】


  1、Greetings and Farewells

  2、Making Introductions

  3、Asking for Information


  5、Making Requests

  6、Asking for and Giving Opinions

  7、Agreeing and Disagreeing

  8、Apologizing and Complaining

  9、Congratulations and Compliments

  对于表达这些功能的句型或语言结构必须反复练习,力求做到"脱口而出"。除此之外,不要学会在具体情景下所采用的表达用语,如Telephoning, Asking the way, Travel by bus, At the post office, In a restaurant 和 Seeing the doctor等。同时,我们要求考生能把上述的语言功能与具体情景配合起来使用,以便提高在特定的情景下口头表达的准确性、流利性和得体性。


  1) Home and family

  2) Food and drink

  3) Medicine

  4) Smoking and health

  5) Work and leisure

  6) Travel and transport

  7) Sport and recreation

  8) Education

  9) Language learning

  10) Plants and animals

  11) Love and marriage

  12) Women's role in society

  13) Television and radio

  14) Pollution and the environment

  15) Holidays and festivals

  16) Religion and belief

  17) Computers

  18) Tourism

  19) Social change and traditions

  20) War and peace




  --等待(不用紧张^_^ );















  I.Read aloud the following dialogue and be prepared to answer some questions about it .

  Alex: So what are you going to do after graduation, Susan?

  Susan: Well, I've saved some money, and I think I'd really like to travel.

  Alex: Lucky you. That sounds exciting!

  Susan: Yeah. Then I plan to get a job and my new apartment.

  Alex: Oh, you're not going to live at home?

  Susan: No, I don't want to live with my parents-not after I start to work.

  Alex: I know what you mean.

  Susan: What about you, Alex? Do you have any plans yet?

  Alex: I'm going to get a job and live at home. I'm broke, and I want to pay off my student loan!

  Susan: What kind of job do you want go get?

  Alex: I hope to find a job where I can make a lot of money!

  II.Three different situations are given below and you will be required to respond to them in the examination.

  1. You are a visitor in town and someone asks you the way to the nearest post office. You don't know. What do you say?

  2. You want to invite a friend to dine out at the weekend. What do you say?

  3. Someone offers to carry the heavy suitcase for you but you refuse. What do you say?

  III.Talk about the following topic with the examiner speaking at 120 words per minute.

  Tell me about your family

  1. Where do your parents live?

  2. What do they do?

  3. Do you have any brothers or sisters? What do they do?

  4. You live with your parents, don't you? Why do you live away from your parents?

  5. Do you spend a lot of time with your family? Why not? What sort of things do you do together?
