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来源:考试网 [ 2012年5月23日 ] 【大 中 小】

11. “A big fish in a small pond” means ______ in Chinese.(      )

A. 小池塘养大鱼                                            B. 鸡窝里飞出金凤凰

C. 人小干大事                                                D. 鹤立鸡群

12. “to be very confident and proud” means ______.(      )

A. to hold your head (up) high

B. to ride one’s high horse

C. to go about with one’s head in the air

D. to keep one’s mouth clean and nose clear

13. “Milk and water” means ______. (      )

A. something drinkable                                     B. something that is inoffensive but feeble

C. something in complete harmony                     D. complete understanding between friends

14. To keep sb company means ______.(      )

A. to stay with someone so that they are not alone

B. to stay away with someone so that they can be alone

C. to watch someone in every detail

D. to ask someone to be with you and serve you

 15. “A Pandora’s box” derived from the box sent by the God to Pandora refers to a present or something ______. (      )

A. which brings happiness but looks ugly

B. which seems valuable but brings misfortune

C. which can create anything its owner wants

D. which a bride traditionally gives a bridegroom
