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来源:考试网 [ 2011年11月23日 ] 【大 中 小】
Vl. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write the translation on your

   Answer Sheet. (10 points, 2 points for each

70. They belong to churches, even though they attend somewhat less frequently, and they want their children to have religious instruction.

71. The 1980 election, especially for the Senate and House of Representatives, signaled a decided turn to the right insofar as political and social attitudes were concerned.

72. Nor could I imagine women in universities going up to the men who ran the athletic programs and demanding a just share of the physical education budget.

73. The problem is that good public schools are becoming pitifully rare, and I would not want to take the chance that the one I sent my children to was inadequate.

74. For a major nation to show itself impotent to house its young people is admitting a failure that must be corrected.

 VII. Answer the following essay question in English within 80-100 words. Write your   answers on the Answer Sheet. (10 points

75. What do you think are the merits that we could learn from Americans?

 VIII.Translate the following sentences into English and write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (18 points, 2 points each for 76-80, 8 points for 81

76. 就政策而言,我们和你们一样对相同的事情感到愤怒——我们更为愤怒,因为我们的生命成了用来检验政策的东西。

77. 在我看来,没有比睡眠问题更能说明事物的对立性了。

78. 人类历史上什么时候有这么多人一起把闲暇时间耗在一种玩具——电视上?

79. 也许她再也看不到这些熟悉的东西了,她做梦也没想到会和它们分开。

80. 先不说写作是为了养家糊口,我认为写作有四个主要动机,至少写散文是如此。

81. 与美国传统不同,总的来说,在英国黑人和白人之间并没有细微的区分。在伦敦,除了为数不多的几家只对白人开放的俱乐部外,划分种族界限的场合很少。英国人没有肤色偏见,牛津的大学生活更是如此。就是在这样一种宽松的气氛里,我的关于种族和家庭的戒备心理松懈下来了。

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