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来源:考试网 [ 2013年5月7日 ] 【大 中 小】

二、将下列词组译成中文(本大题共10小题,每小题1 分,共10分)

16. most-favored nation treatment

17. trade surplus

18. hard currency

19. merger of banks

20. liquid assets

21. a hermit nation

22. trade negotiation

23. at a rough estimate

24. Chinese Export Commodities Fair

25. foreign exchange reserves


26. 国民收入

27. 国际收支

28. 收盘价

29. 惩罚性进口关税

30. 证券投资

31. 商品市场

32. 自由市场(无壁垒市场)

33. 智囊团 / 顾问班子

34. 产地证明书

35. 对等价值


Passage 1

Coca-Cola’s advance into orange soda is bad news for Sunkist, which holds a 1.5% share of the soft drink market, and Crush (around 1%) Coca-Cola began testing Minute Maid Orange Soda in Canada last summer. Some analysts think it will quickly challenge Sunkist as the top-selling orange drink.

The sleeper among the products might turn out to be Cherry Coke, which contains no fruit juice at all. Emanuel Goldman, a beverage analyst with Montgomery Securities in San Francisco, says Cherry Coke has captured shares of 4% to 8% in test markets. The drink probably won’t do as well when it is rolled out nationally, since consumer coupons and price promotions have been helping it along. But Goldman believes Cherry Coke could eventually displace Dr Pepper as the nation’s fifth-best-selling soft drink.

36. Why is Cherry Coke described as the “sleeper”?

37. What is a test market? How do you understand “price promotions” here?

38. Which brand occupies the fifth place on the soft drink list at present?

Passage 2

The most visible result of this buoyant market in both centres is a plethora of new multi-storey commercial and residential buildings. In Abu Dhabi, these projects are let through the Khalifah committee or the Department of Social Services to local consultants, but in Dubai there is more of an international spread.

Building work apart, consultants predict a fairly wide spread of projects. “We expect the market to remain buoyant for the next couple of years. There is a fair bit of work at Mina Zayed coming up, a fair bit of road-working on the island and the hinterland, and we expect some airport development to rear its head in the not too distant future,” says one long-established Abu Dhabi-based consultant.

39. Who are renting the multi-storey commercial buildings in Abu Dhabi and Dubai?

40. What is the prospect of new building projects?

41. Please explain “rear its head” and “Abu Dhabi-based” in the last sentence.
