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来源:考试网 [ 2012年9月20日 ] 【大 中 小】

11. US protectionist measures helped wreck the world economy in the 1930s. (      )

A. diminish                                                      B. deliver

C. destroy                                                        D. detatch

12. Make-up experts steer girls toward light colors, fragrances. (      )

A. tend                                                             B. guide

C. endure                                                         D. strain

13. The advertisement itself will pull your attention and immediately you will feel that you need it for your lifestyle. (      )

A. segment                                                      B. trademark

C. reformulation                                               D. commercial

14. The Chinese, who constitute 95 per cent of Hong Kong’s population, prefer brown eggs over white. (      )

A. compose                                                      B. compete

C. combine                                                      D. compile

15. Generally, the first stage in the extraction of crude oil is to drill a well into the underground reservoir. (      )

A. grim                                                            B. strict

C. raw                                                              D. severe

二、 将下列词组译成中文(本大题共10小题,每小题1 分,共10分)

16. exclusive contract                                        17. current account

18. clearing agreement                                       19. per capita income

20. barrier-free market                                       21. carbon tax

22. real estate                                                    23. test market

24. intellectual property right                             25. business cycle
