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来源:考试网 [ 2014年7月14日 ] 【大 中 小】

  Passage 3

  The cabin crew check that all the passengers are on board, and the doors are closed and locked. Gently the walkway swings back from the fuselage, the body of the aircraft, and a specially designed powerful tractor pushes the giant 747 away from the loading bay. Meanwhile, the airport traffic control has given clearance to start the engines and the flight crew carries out all the last minute checks. All the systems are in full working order, and the wing flaps(襟翼) and flying controls are tested.

  At the same time the cabin crew check that all the passengers are wearing their seat belts properly and then demonstrate the emergency procedures. They point out the exits on the plane, and demonstrate how to wear and inflate the life jackets located under each seat. Lastly they show how to use the oxygen masks that automatically fall from the ceiling should it become difficult for the passengers to breathe.

  A puff of smoke from the jet, and a slow whine gradually becomes a low roar(咆哮,巨响) as the first engine is started up. One by one the four engines come to life, though there is little to see apart from the shimmer of the exhausts. After a final signal to the ground crew that the engines are running normally, the captain eases the plane along the network of taxiways that lead to the runway, and takes his place in the queue for take-off.

  With a thunderous roar, the plane departs. With flaps fully extended for take-off the 747 turns into the main runway. The pilot and co-pilot each place a hand firmly on the throttle levers(油杆), and push them steadily forward. The vibration and noise swells as the engines are brought up to full power. Suddenly the brakes are released, and the passengers are pressed back into their seats as all 313 tons of the Boeing 747 accelerates up the runway.

  11. What should the cabin crew do before the planes takes off?

  A. They check that all the passengers are on board.

  B. They check that all the passengers keep their seat belts fastened.

  C. They demonstrate how to put on the life jackets and how to use the oxygen masks.

  D. All the above.

  12. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

  A. Both the taxiway and the runway can be used for take-off and the captain should know which way to choose.

  B. The captain has to wait for his turn before the plane is permitted to take off.

  C. The oxygen mask is kept in the ceiling compartment of the cabin.

  D. The pilots can start the engines of the plane when they get the clearance from the traffic control.

  13. In deciding when a plane takes off, ____.

  A. the cockpit is instructed by the cabin attendants

  B. the cockpit requests the controllers

  C. the traffic controllers, the cabin attendants and cockpit crew cooperate with one another

  D. the captain will decide when

  14. What kind of plane is a Boeing 747?

  A. It is a giant, four-engine plane.

  B. It has many engines and only the first engine can work.

  C. It is a light but noisy plane.

  D. It is a trouble-free plane, and never has anything wrong with it.

  15. The sentence “…the passengers are pressed back into their seats …”in the last paragraph may possibly mean that ____.

  A. the passengers are hijacked by armed hijackers

  B. the passengers can’t resist the G—force (地球引力) of the plane when it is speeding up

  C. the passengers are confined to their seats

  D. the passengers are playing the game

  PART 2 Translation

  DIRECTIONS: In this part, there are ten sentences written in English. Translate these sentences into Chinese. Each of the sentences is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C, and D. Make the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on your ANSWER SHEET. (本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)

  16. Processing areas are designated for the formalities associated with processing passengers.

  A. 手续办理区指的是办理旅客的有关手续的。

  B. 投诉办理区指的是办理旅客的有关投诉的。

  C. 手续办理区是用来处理旅客的相关投诉的。

  D. 投诉办理区是用来与投诉旅客联系的。

  17. All exits are equipped with exit signs above and adjacent to the exits.

  A. 出口上都标有出口标志,出口标志就在出口附近。

  B. 出口的上方都标有出口标志,并指向出口。

  C. 出口的上方和附近都配备有出口标志。

  D. 出口的上方都配备有指向出口的出口标志。

  18. In general, the passengers must obey the crew without question in an emergency in order to ensure the safety.

  A. 一般而言,乘客在出现紧急情况时应不发一言地遵守机组人员的命令,以确保安全。

  B. 一般而言,乘客面对紧急情况时无需遵守机组人员的命令,以确保安全。

  C. 总的来说,为确保安全,乘客在发生紧急情况时必须不发一言地遵守机组人员的指令。

  D. 总的来说,为确保安全,乘客在出现紧急情况时必须无条件地遵守机组人员的指令。

  19. Any valuables should be kept with you at all times.

  A. 有价值的物品应一直放在身边。 B. 你应该将所有贵重物品一直留着。

  C. 贵重物品应随身携带。 D. 所有的财物应随身携带。

  20. Many passengers prefer to sleep during the flight rather than watch the films, listen to the music or the other programs.

  A. 许多旅客在飞行中宁愿看电影或听音乐,不愿睡觉。

  B. 许多旅客在飞行中不愿看电影或听音乐,宁愿睡觉。

  C. 许多旅客在飞行中不愿看电影,宁愿睡觉或听音乐。

  D. 许多旅客在飞行中宁愿看电影,不愿睡觉或听音乐。

  21. Duty-free items are normally subject to volume limitations.

  A. 免税商品常受数量限制。 B. 免税商品通常不受数量限制。

  C. 自由买卖的商品通常受到数量限制。 D. 自由买卖的商品通常受到价格限制。

  22. Cabin attendants should respond to the varied needs of the passengers they will serve.

  A. 乘务员应该对他们要服务的乘客给予回应,满足他们的不同需求。

  B. 乘务员应该回答其所服务乘客的问题,满足他们的不同需求。

  C. 乘务员应该根据其自身的不同需求对他们所服务的乘客给予回应。

  D. 乘务员应该对他们所服务的乘客的不同需求给予回应。

  23. For the sake of safety, the tray table should be folded up before landing.

  A. 为了安全起见,小桌板在起飞前应折叠收起。

  B. 为了安全起见,小桌板在降落前应折叠收起。

  C. 为了安全起见,在起飞前应叠起餐盘。

  D. 为了安全起见,在降落前应叠起餐盘。

  24. Please latch the overhead bins properly.

  A. 请正确使用上方的行李箱。 B. 请把上方行李箱打开。

  C. 请把舱顶行李箱锁好。 D. 请将上方的行李箱放好。

  25. Please walk in this direction, don’t leave things in the aisle.

  A. 请沿着这条直线走,不要把东西放在过道里。

  B. 请按照这个方向走,不要把东西放在过道里。

  C. 请沿着这条直线走,过道里不能留东西。

  D. 请按照这个方向走,过道里不能留东西。
