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来源:考试网 [ 2014年7月14日 ] 【大 中 小】

  DIRECTIONS: In this part, there are 3 passages. Each of them is followed by 5 questions, and to each question, there are four possible answers marked with A, B, C, D. Please choose the correct or best answer to each question. (本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)

  Passage 1

  Cabin attendants need to see that passenger seat belts are fastened tightly and that no smoking rule is observed. Then they will report the result of this check to the purser. Special care must be taken in checking the seat belts of certain types of passengers, especially the elderly, handicapped passengers, unaccompanied minors and others.

  When there are infants among the passengers, cabin attendants should ensure that infants are seated so that there are sufficient oxygen masks for all the passengers in the row. For small children, it is recommended that a blanket be placed behind them so that the seat belt can hold them more securely.

  Other checks that must be made are: confirming that all compartments, carts and containers are locked and that they are secured by stoppers where these are fitted; confirming that window shades are open for take-off, and that all trays are stowed and the seat backs are in the upright position.

  11. Before taking off, cabin attendants do the safety check and inform ______ of the result.( )

  A. the captain

  B. the purser

  C. the controller

  D. the flight engineer

  12. When checking the seat belts of passengers, cabin attendants should take special care of______.( )

  A. the elderly

  B. handicapped passengers

  C. unaccompanied minors

  D. All of the above

  13. Which of the following statement is NOT true?( )

  A. Cabin attendants can give the small children a blanket to place behind them.

  B. Passengers must fasten their seat belts tightly when taking off.

  C. When in an emergency, the infants can not have enough oxygen masks.

  D. Unaccompanied minors are permitted to travel by air alone.

  14. Other “checks” should be made before take-off except______.( )

  A. confirming that all compartments are locked

  B. confirming that all carts and containers are empty

  C. confirming that window shades are open

  D. confirming that all trays are stowed

  15. For take-off, passengers’ seat backs should be______.( )

  A. in the upright position

  B. inclined forward

  C. very clean

  D. kept balance
