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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2014年12月5日 ]

  11. I am sure that he is _____ a lie.

  A. saying

  B. talking

  C. speaking

  D. telling

  12. He could _____ neither French nor German. So I ____ with him in English.

  A. speak; talked

  B. talk; told

  C. say; spoke

  D. tell; talked

  13. Wang Fang was very brave. She _____ the fire with a blanket and saved the old man.

  A. put out

  B. put up

  C. put away

  D. put on

  14. If you don’t know a word, you must ______ the word in a dictionary.

  A. look up

  B. look down

  C. look over

  D. look out

  15. It’s time for class. We’d better _______.

  A. stop to talk

  B. to stop to talk

  C. stop talking

  D. to stop talking

  16. There was a strange sound outside. Mary went out and ______ around, but she ______ nothing.

  A. looked; saw

  B. saw; saw

  C. watched; looked

  D. looked; find

  17.—_____ all your things, Tom! I hate them here and there.

  —OK, Mum.

  A. Put up

  B. Put on

  C. Put down

  D. Put away

  18. Yuki loves wearing strange hats because she wants people to _____ her.

  A. believe

  B. control

  C. notice

  D. visit

  19. _______! It’s the music of Mozart. Be quiet.

  A. Hear

  B. Sound

  C. Sing

  D. Listen

  20.—Wang Lin has decided to _____ his bad habit of sleeping in class.

  —That’s good news. I hope he can do it this time.

  A. wake up

  B. set up

  C. clean up

  D. give up

  参考答案:1~5 BCBBD 6~10 ABADD 11~15 DAAAC 16~20ADCDD

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