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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年2月11日 ]

  三. 句型转换:

  1. If I go there, I’ll buy some flowers for my mothe r. (划线提问)

  ________ ________ you ________ for your mother if you go there?

  2. You’ll be late if you don’t hurry up. (并列句)

  _______ ________, _________ you’ll be late.

  3. Leave the gym during the party. (否定句)

  _______ ________ the gym during the party.

  4. Mike does his best—he always works as hard as he can at school. (同义句)

  Mike does his best—he always as _______ as_______ at school.

  5. If you eat healthy food, your body and mind will work well. (否定句)

  If you ________ eat healthy food, your body and mind _______ work well.

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