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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年12月14日 ]

  1-5 BDCDB 6-10 ABADC 11-15 ADCAC 16-20 BCCAD

  21-25 CDBAD 26-30 CDBAB 31-35 CBCAB 36-40 DABAD

  41-45 EAGCB 46-50 DCBBA 51-55 BDBAC

  56-60 CABCD 61-65 BCADA

  66. nor 67. miss 68. connected 69. extra 70. challenges

  One possible version:

  Dear Mr Wang,

  I’m writing to recommend Zhang Hang as our new monitor.

  I think he has some strong qualities for this position. Zhang Hang is confident. He is good at making speeches. He also does well in computers.

  He is hard-working, modest and organized. He often spends lots of time organizing after-school activities.

  He is very helpful too. He never minds doing extra work for our class. He always tries his best to help other students. He is very popular with us.

  I think Zhang Hang is the most suitable person to be our monitor.

  I hope you can consider my recommendation.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming

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