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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年3月20日 ]


  Nowadays __21__ Chinese teenagers find life more difficult __22__ their parents.They don't know how to do __23__.Because their parents do almost __24__ for them at home.This is a big problem.

  Joy is 14 years old.One day her parents went away __25__ business,so she had to stay at home alone.At first she thought she would be happy __26__ her parents were not in.She could do everything __27__ she liked.But it was six o'clock in the afternoon,she felt __28__.“Oh,it's time to have __29__.Where can I get my food?” she said to herself.Later she found some food in the fridge,but she __30__ know how to cook.At that moment,she missed her __31__ very much.At last she could only go to the supermarket and __32__ some food to eat.

  Many of teenagers are __33__ as Joy.So I think they should learn some basic life __34__,like cooking,tidying up their rooms or dressing themselves __35__.They shouldn't depend too much on their parents.

  ( C )21.A.much and more    B.many and more

  C.more and more D.less and less

  ( D )22.A.from  B.for   C.with D.without

  ( D )23.A.their homework B.some shopping

  C.business D.housework

  ( A )24.A.everything B.nothing

  C.something D.none

  ( C )25.A.in B.at C.on D.with

  ( B )26.A.so B.because C.but D.until

  ( A )27.A.that B.who C.where D.when

  ( A )28.A.hungry B.full C.excited D.bored

  ( C )29.A.breakfast B.lunch

  C.supper D.a sleep

  ( B )30.A.couldn't B.didn't

  C.might not D.wouldn't

  ( D )31.A.cousin B.aunt C.brother D.parents

  ( B )32.A.made B.bought C.gave D.saw

  ( A )33.A.the same B.difficult

  C.different D.warm­hearted

  ( D )34.A.styles B.ways C.rules D.skills

  ( C )35.A.actually B.carelessly

  C.properly D.slowly

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