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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2016年1月12日 ]


  1. A: What’s your brother’s favourite sport B: He likes riding a bike than others.

  2. A: How does he go to Beijing? B: He goes to school by train.

  3. A: Which animal do you like better? B: I like the monkey better than panda.

  4. A: What is the weather like today? B: It is sunny and warm here.

  5. A: Which sign are they talking about? B: Please turn right when you see the museum.



  W: Can I help you?

  M: Yes, I want 6 eggs, please!

  W: OK. 6 eggs. Do you want this kind of fish?

  M: One kilo, please.

  W: OK.

  M: And can I have two bottles of milk-those big ones, and do you have any rice?

  W: Rice? Yes, of course. We have some. One bag?

  M: Yes, one bag, oh, no. Two bags, please.

  W: Yeah, I see. Anything else?

  M: Let me see. Eggs, fish, milk, rice, um… er, yes, that's all. How much are these?

  W: Er, just a minute. They are 30 dollars all together.

  M: OK. Here is the money.

  W: Thank you.


  W: It's Sunday tomorrow. What are we going to do?

  M: Shall we go to the seaside?

  W: That's a good idea. We will be able to swim in the sea.

  M: What's the weather going to be like tomorrow?

  W: The weather report says it will be sunny and the temperature will be about 32℃.

  M: That's great. Shall we ask Billy to go to?

  W: OK!


  Hello, everyone! I’m Lingling. I was not good at English last year, but my teacher gave me some books about how to learn English. Now my English is good. If you want to learn English well, you should always check your spelling with a dictionary, and you also need to write down the mistakes in your notebook and correct them. Don’t forget to check your vocabulary book and read English books, newspapers or magazines every day. Listening to English songs and radio programmes is also helpful for you to learn English well. If you do these things, I think your English will be better and better.



  1-5 ABCAB 6-10 CBCAB 11—15 ACCBA

  二 、完型填空(15分)

  1-5 BCCAB 6-10 CDBCD 11—15 BCBCC

  三、阅读理解 (20分)

  1-5 CDAAC 6-10 ABAAD



  1. larger 2.billion 3. Ice 4.field 5.joke

  6.rabbit 7.chopsticks 8.noise 9. Luckily 10.tastes


  11. southeast 12.in peace 13.to watch 14. accept 15. Babies


  D A E B C


  1 an 2 travel(l)ing 3 On 4 to visit 5 felt

  6 was shining 7 lots 8 the most beautiful 9 exciting 10 ourselves


  Dear Tony,

  I am very glad to hear that you are coming to my hometown for a visit.

  It is warm and rainy in spring in Tongxiang .But in summer it is hot, sometimes there are storms .It is a good idea to swim in the swimming pool. In autumn it’s cool and dry, you must drink more water. I think it’s very cold in winter. If you come during in the winter, please bring some warm clothes.

  The way of life in China is different from that in America. In Tongxiang, when you meet someone for the first time, you should shakes hands with him and say hello to him. Please remember to walk on the right ,when you walk on the road.

  I am looking forward to coming

  Best wishes!

  Da Ming

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