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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年2月1日 ]

  三. 语言文化知识。

  ( )1. Fool’s Day is a traditional (传统的)festival in _______.

  A. England B. Canada C. America D. Australia

  ( )2. Which of these persons should you tip (给小费)when you get their service (服务)?

  A. A mailman B. A bus driver C. A waiter D. A policeman

  ( )3. In which of these countries do people have to drive on the left side of the street?

  A. America B. China C. England D. Canada

  ( )4. British people usually begin their conversation by talking about ________.

  A. age B. marriage C. weather D. family

  ( )5. London is well known for _______.

  A. rain B. cloud C. snow D. fog

  四. 回答问题,脑筋急转弯

  1. -What letter is good for your health?


  2. -Are you in the secret about the matter?

  -Sorry, I don’t know it at all.

  The meaning of “in the secret”is ________.

  A. 一无所知 B. 明察暗访 C. 知道内情 D. 秘密进行

  3. -What word becomes shorter if you add two letters to it?


  4. -What time is it when a pie is divided among four friends?


  5. -Which travels faster, heat or cold?

  -________. Because “You can catch cold.”

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