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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年1月21日 ]

  二. Fill in the blanks with the proper words

  1. Kate shouted at me when she walked (pass)me.

  2. He is thinner than before, but runs (fast).

  3. Mabel was the (win)of the race at yesterday’s sports meeting.

  4. In China, the last name is the (give)name.

  5. Both of (they)did very (bad).

  6. Look! How (slow)the train is running!

  7. The woman found her husband twenty days (late).

  8. Who works (careful), Li Ping or Lin Mei?

  9. September is the (nine)month of the year.

  10. They set off on a (sun)morning.

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