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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2020年1月4日 ]



  ( )1. The letters "tr" make a [tr]s _ _ _ _ in English.

  ( )2. Will you please say it again more s _ _ _ _ _? I can't catch up with you.

  ( )3. The teacher made the boy w _ _ _ his hands before eating.

  ( )4. We spend our winter holiday from J _ _ _ _ _ _ to February.

  ( )5. I got up late this morning, so I m _ _ _ _ _ the first bus.


  ( )1. Ann's friend Lucy bought a beautiful hat for her as her birthday present.

  A. took     B. made.     C. got

  ( )2. Nice to meet you.

  A. Good     B. Pleased    C. Fine

  ( )3. Did the children enjoy themselves in the zoo last Sunday?

  A. have a meeting    B. have a good time     C. like themselves

  ( )4. You don't have to come here so early every day.

  A. needn't       B. can't          C. mustn't

  ( )5. He was a little far from me and he had to shout to me.

  A. speak        B. call out         C. come up


  ( )1. Hi, Ann! Thank you for asking ________ to the party.

  A. you       B. us      C. ours      D. we

  ( )2. Mary was very busy last week. She did the work all ________ herself.

  A. in       B. on      C. at       D. by

  ( )3. This is ______ room. Look! ______ clothes are on the bed.

  A. Tom's, His   B. Tom, Him   C. Tom, His    D. Tom's, He

  ( )4. Young Tom is one of ________ boys in our class.

  A. careful     B. carefully  C. more careful  D. the most careful

  ( )5. She often helps _____ and hardly thinks of herself.

  A. others     B. other    C. another    D. the other

  ( )6. _____ in the sun. It's bad for your eyes.

  A. Not read    B. Don't read  C. Not to read  D. Don't you read

  ( )7. There is _______ wrong with my bike. It doesn't work.

  A. nothing     B. something  C. anything    D. everything

  ( )8. I'll speak to Peter about his lessons when he _______ back from school.

  A. come      B. will come  C. comes     D. came

  ( )9. Jim came to China last term, ________?

  A. doesn't he   B. isn't he   C. wasn't he   D. didn't he

  ( )10. There ________ some new films on TV this month.

  A. will have    B. has     C. will be    D. is going to be

  ( )11. "Must I come here before eight o'clock?" "No, you ______."

  A can't      B couldn't   C. mustn't    D. needn't

  ( )12. I liked flying a kite ______ I was a child.

  A. before     B. since    C. when     D. until

  ( )13. The doctor was very tired _______ she was still working very hard.

  A. but       B. and     C. or      D. so

  ( )14. It will be sunny and the temperature will stay _______ 30 in the day time.

  A. on       B. above    C. over     D. to

  ( )15. " ________ can you stay here in the summer holidays?" "For two weeks."

  A How far     B. How long   C. How soon   D. How often

  ( )16. When you go there, please ______ the letter to her.

  A. bring      B. put     C. carry     D. take

  ( )17. "Would you mind opening the window?" "_____."

  A. No, please not.     B. Yes, please do.

  C. No, not at all.     D. Yes, I don't.

  ( )18. The teacher made her students ______ the texts twice a day.

  A. read     B. reading     C. to read     D. reads

  ( )19. Li Lei ______ in the classroom now. But he_______a moment ago.He ______ to the teacher's office.

  A. is, wasn't, has gone    B. isn't, was, went

  C. is, wasn't, has been    D. isn't, was, has been

  ( )20. "Happy birthday to you." " __________."

  A. The same to you      B. Happy birthday to you, too.

  C. That's all right      D. Thank you.



  This dictionary is quite ________ ___________ that one.


  It ________ us half a day ________ draw the picture.


  Mrs Wang didn't _______ well _________ to go to work this morning.


  They are ________ busy ________ have a rest today.


  Look! How fine it is today! ________ ________ go out for a walk?

  五、 补全对话(共15分)


  A: Hello. .

  B: Hello. Could I (1) to Jim, please?

  A: I'm afraid he's (2) at the moment. Can I take a (3) ?

  B: Yes, Jim (4) me to go swimming with him this afternoon. I'm afraid I (5) go. Mother went to work, so I (6) (7) look after my little sister at home.

  A: Don't worry. I'll (8) him when he (9) back. By way, (10) your name, please?

  B: Li Lei. Thanks a lot. Good-bye!


  A: How can I get there? I don't know the way.

  ( )B. 1 He may know. Excuse me! Which is the way to the North Hospital?

  C. Go down this street until you reach the second traffic lights. Turn right. At

  ( )the end of the road you'll see the hospital. 2

  B: Half an hour? That's too long! Is there a bus?

  ( )C. Yes. 3

  ( )B. Thanks a lot. Granny, the hospital is not very near. 4 I'll go with you.

  A. How kind! Thank you.

  (Twenty minutes later. In the hospital the woman finds her husband.)

  D. But how did you get here?

  ( )A. By bus. 5

  D. Which girl? I must thank her!

A. Which bus goes to the hospital?

B. This little girl brought me here.

C. You can take a bus.

D. The No. 3 bus will take you there.

E. Let's ask this policeman.

F. It'll take you about half an hour.

G. We'd better take a bus.


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