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中华考试网   2012-11-12   【
  T1: Describe the differences between two cities that you have visited before.  Give details and examples to support your response. Begin your response after the beep.

  Though New York and Paris are both world-famous cultural centers for their respective regions, there are some big differences between them. For one thing, building heights differ dramatically between the two. New York is famous for its sprawling skyline, but in Paris, a building's height is officially limited according to the street it borders--this gives you a good view of the sky no matter where you are. Life also seems more leisurely in Paris; while in New York you have people jogging in place at stoplights, in Paris someone is more apt to break out a cigarette. Finally, something has to be said about the generally helpful and friendly nature of New Yorkers.  Despite their reputation, they're actually quite nice. In Paris, the people seemed pretty aloof. (Richard)

  T2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should encourage students to use computers from primary school age on.  Give details and examples to support your response.

  I disagree. Computers are everywhere nowadays, and proficiency with them is important if you want to succeed in modern society.  However, I think early primary school is too young to start learning how to use a computer.  It's important for children to learn how to explore the world around them, and I think using computers at such a young age would seriously hinder that.  Children generally have terrible impulse control and computers have been shown to be addictive, so waiting until later to encourage them might be more appropriate.  Otherwise, you risk them getting addicted and alienating themselves from their peers at a time when socializing is crucial to their personal development.  And in any case, children these days will be exposed to computers no matter what, so further encouragement seems unnecessary. (Richard)

  T3: training advisor,可以方便学生工作,housing staff(是吧,忘记是H什么staff了)可以有更多说时间处理其他工作;女生同意这training,她举了一个她自己的经历说这样可以learn a lot,然后说staff可以省下时间做其他的工作;

  解析:阅读材料建议要有training advisor,因为这样可以方便学生工作,还能够让staff有更多时间处理其他工作。听力中,女生同意这一做法(And the woman agrees with this)。根据她提供的两点理由,可以判断答题思路如下:理由一,根据自己的亲身经历,她认为有training advisor可以learn a lot,(注意复述听力第一个理由的时候一定要和阅读中的“方便学生工作”这个理由进行整合);理由二,staff可以使省下时间做其他的工作(几乎是对阅读材料的同义转换,只需要把意思表达清楚即可)。

  T4:是说animal partition,教授举了 leaf cut ants作例子,说ants出去cut leaf的时候会分3个group,第一组cut leaf并扔地上,第二组把leaf cut成small pieces,第三组把leaf搬回nests;

  解析:阅读中对animal partition做了定义以及解释。讲座中,教授举了leaf cut nuts的例子。答题思路:首先用一到两句话阐述阅读中对animal partition的解释(注意将partition的特点阐述清楚,以便于之后对听力材料的解读),之后过渡听力材料中教授给的例子,just like the example given from the professor,最后详细复述和概括教授的例子(注意例子为自然法则、动植物常态时,时态用一般现在时)。注意阅读和听力内容两者间的对应。

  T5:男生找不到Tina因为要给她笔记,可是没时间,因为要去work,女生给了2个建议,一个让他放去Tina家,另一个让他用campus mail;

  解析:答题思路:男生碰到了一个time conflict,一方面他要给Tina笔记而又找不到她,但是另一方面他要去work。有两个解决办法,一是把笔记放到Tina家里,二是让他用campus mail。可以选择第一个solution,因为一方面可以把笔记还给Tina,另一方面也没有耽误他工作的时间。非常典型的第五题,用经典策略就可以搞定。

  T6 : business里的2种barrier第一种是entry barrier(忘记了),说是比如开gym你要买equip,第二种是customer什么的,说是让customer买你的goods而不买别家的,还用gym举例

  解析:答题思路:教授首先阐明了business有两种barrier,根据听力材料阐述,一种是entry barrier,一种是customer barrier。之后具体将这两种barrier展开解释。Entry barrier means…And the professor gives an example of the gym… (开gym你要买equip) . On the other hand, customer barrier is…(让customer买你的goods而不买别家的)。 Take the gym as an example again…
