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中华考试网   2011-11-15   【
42. All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 1 as results of the trend toward installing contemporary art in public places in the United States EXCEPT

    (A) the transfer of artwork from private to public sites

    (B) artworks that represent a city’s special character

    (C) greater interest in art by the American public

    (D) a broader understanding of the varieties of contemporary art

43. According to the passage, new settings for public art are appearing as a result of

    (A) communities that are building more art museums

    (B) artists who are moving to urban areas

    (C) urban development and renewal

    (D) an increase in the number of artists in the United States.

44.The author mentions Roy Lichtenstein and Alan Sonfist in line 14 in order to

    (A) show that certain artist are famous mostly for their public art

    (B) introduce the subject of unusual works of art

    (C) demonstrate the diversity of artworks displayed in public

    (D) contrast the cities of Miami Beach and New York

45.It can be inferred from the passage that the city of Memphis sponsored a work by Richard Hunt because the city authorities believed that

    (A) the sculpture would symbolize the urban renewal of Memphis

    (B) Memphis was an appropriate place for a memorial to Martin Luther Ling, Jr.

    (C) the artwork would promote Memphis as a center for the arts

  (D) the sculpture would provide a positive example to other artists.

46. The word “enhancement” in line 20 is closest in meaning to

    (A) replacement   (B) design  (C) improvement  (D) decoration

47. The word “revitalize” in line 22 is closest in meaning to

(A) show the importance of (B) promise to enlarge(C) bring new life to (D) provide artworks for

48. The word “that” in line 27 refers to

(A) contemporary art(B) opportunity(C) audience(D) distinction

49. The word “executing” in line 28 is closest in meaning to

(A) judging(B) selling(C) explaining (D) producing

50. According to paragraph 3, artists who work on public art projects are doing all of the following EXCEPT   

    (A) creating artworks that are unusual in size

    (B) raising funds to sponsor various public projects

    (C) exposing a large number of people to works of art

    (D) using new materials that are long—lasting.


