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中华考试网   2014-04-29   【
 31. By the late twelve century, stained glass had emerged in Europe as an integral

  A B C D

  part of Gothic architecture.

  32. The United States, a nation with a highly diversified economy, is a major

  A B

  exporter of grain, fruit, chemical, aircraft, and cars.

  C D

  33. Canada began cultivation wheat intensively in 1910, which led to a demand for

  A B

  tools, machines, housing, and building supplies.

  C D

  34. Magnesium has little structural strength and must be alloyed with another metals

  A B

  such as aluminum and zinc when it is to be subjected to stress.

  C D

  35. Orchid seeds take up to eighteen months to mature before they sprout, and the

  A B

  young plants may need another two years to reach at the flowering stage.

  C D

  36. The oldest public edifice in Washington D.C., the White House was originally

  A B

  constructed in the 1790's, also has been rebuilt or extensively remodeled


  three times since.


  37. Mitosis is the normal process by which a cell divides, each new cell ending up

  A B C

  with a same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.


  38. There are a series of large-scale wind patterns all over Earth are called prevailing

  A B

  winds that have a direct effect on weather and climate.

  C D

  39. 1n June, 1846, near Sacramento, California, a number of new settlers rebelled in

  A B C

  the Bear Flag Revolt and proclaiming California an independent republic.


  40. A mutation is result of a definite biochemical change in a gene that causes the

  A B

  offspring to vary in some characteristic from the parents.

  C D




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