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中华考试网   2017-11-16   【

  T1: Which of the activities should be given the high performance rewards? 1)volunteer work 2) athletic work 3) academic work.


  Well, personally, I would say the athletic work should be given a high performance reward. First it has a high demand of physical abilities and not everyone fits the work. Athletes have to take hours, days or even years to keep practicing. They also have to pay special attention to diet. All these require a strong willpower. Second athletes are easy to get hurt in competitions. It is not rare to see news that basketball players get a bone fracture in a fierce competition or a gymnastic athlete falls from the parallel bar. Thus they deserve a high performance reward.

  T2: Some people always try the food that they have never tasted before while others don't. Which do you prefer?


  I personally fall in the "always the same" category. This is because I have a rather limited list of food I really enjoy. I don't get along too well with most vegetables, and if you put dill or cumin in a dish, I'll avoid it like the plague. With plenty experiences in the past when I tried foods and disliked them, it's easy to see that the chance of me liking something new is a lot smaller than the chance of me disliking it. So, I order something I know I will like. But I am always open to finding new foods to enjoy, so I like to have a little taste from what others ordered. Sometimes I am pleasantly surprised, and I add new items to my "safe list".



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