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中华考试网   2014-05-05   【


  1、describe a special friend of you in your childhood.

  2、people’s personality will change as they grow up or remain the same as the time goes by. 人们的性格会随着成长而改变还是不会变。

  3、A student writes a letter suggesting that school should ban the food cart.两个原因,一是Not clean二是为了学生的健康着想。

  对话中 女生不同意 一是校园不干净不是food cart的问题而是not enough garbage can的问题,学校应该多放置几个垃圾 桶。二是学校的食堂也不见得有多Healthy,而food cart除了提供hot dog之外还提供fruit 和juice的健康食品。女生可以买 东西吃而不会在课堂上hungry.

  4、 passive locomotion. Animals can be carried by sth in the environment without using their own efforts to some where full of resources. 教 授举了spider的例子。spider可以通过jump 和walk来移动,但是走不了很远。因为它们身体很轻,环境中的风,可以带着它们到很远的地方 (lots of insects ,fewer spiders)。

  5、男生要写一个poetry paper 4页明天要交。但是图书馆在周日很早关门,他没有借到有这首诗的书。Two solutions. 第一个 是他可以find a different poem to write,但是他已经对原来的诗有idea了。第二个是他可以 get up early, go to the library in the morning and finish it quickly.

  Teaching strategy.有两个。第一个是explain the purpose. 老师曾经在小学教书,她定了一个不允许在课堂上吃 东西的规定。因为吃东西弄脏书本,引来昆虫,damage the desk.第二个是lei students make a commitment. 老师做了一张poster,让每个学生sign up,然后Put it in front of the classroom.这样 students are more likely to follow the rules



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