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中华考试网   2013-06-05   【


1. 你hometown 的学校要给学生弄个after-class activities,你有什么建议?

2. Do you agree people will read fewer books in the future?

3. 阅读:学校说要新建 art history classroom 啥的,会更大,更高科技化。

听力:对话里,mm 很兴奋,说以前classroom 太小了,而选的人太多,老选不上课,现在大了,好选课了。然后说art 啥的就要放大看details,以前老师展示的图片都太小,看不清details,现在有了高科技,咱不怕了,啥都能看见。

英文重现:build a new art history building. Female student thinks it is a good idea. Firstly, last semester,she could not get into the Chinese art history class, because the classroom was small and crowded andthe professor only could take 15 people in one class. Secondly, the new equipments can allow them towatch much more details of the painting and sculpture.

4. 阅读:research image。

听力:鸟类通过多次捕食昆虫,可以更容易分辨出昆虫,不被他的伪装蒙骗;research image 的~~predator 抓住insect 上的独特特征,用来提高补杀率。从刚开始只能捉住很少量的一种insect,逐渐通过search image 的培养,最后这种insect 成为其主要的food.

英文重现:the concept of search image。一个绿毛毛虫和绿叶子的顏色一样,它的predators at first could not note them, however, gradually, the predators can create the search images of the caterpillar, byusing the search image, predators can distinguish them with other animals by the difference of theirhead parts.

5. the plan of the summer break。女孩修双学位想上暑期班,两个挣钱的途径,一个去图书馆,但是占用很多时间,她怕没时间学习;第二个想法是自己在宿舍做饭,带学校来吃,这样就能省很多钱。

英文重现:the Female student's problem is she needs extra money for her summer class. First choice is to work in the library, but it will cost her 3 hours; Second choise is to cook by herself. I recommend herto take the second choice, because, firstly, she can save a lot of money if she doesn't eat at the Cafe;second, she doesn't need to work in the library, then she will save a lot time, by using this time, shecould do very well in the summer class.

6. 饲养家畜对早期人类的好处,以山羊为例。一方面随时可以吃肉,省的打猎有时候打不到,没得吃;一方面可以得到很多副产品,像是牛奶,乳酪。

英文重现: two benefits of domesticating animals. For example, the Goat. Firstly, the Goat is easy to control and it will move with the people, then people will have consistent and reliable resources of foodto eat. Secondly, the Goat can produce milk, people can not only drink the milk, but also use the mild tomake the yogurt



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