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中华考试网   2011-07-02   【

blasphemy n.骂神;冒渎;不敬;咒骂 [ME ]

blatant a.喧哗的;炫耀的 [a word used by Spenser(1596), perh after Sc blatand = bleating bleat 咩地叫;抱怨地说]

blazon v.宣布;用纹章装饰 [ME ]

bleach v.n.漂白 [bleachers 露天座位]

bleak a.寒冷的;荒凉的 [ME prob ]

bleed v.流血;流出树液;榨钱 [OE bledan ]

blemish n.v.伤;污点;缺点;损伤 [ME ]

blench v.退缩;变白;使变白 [ME ]

blend v.混杂;混合

[~ mayonnaise with other ingredients把蛋黄酱与其他材料混合 The colors of the rainbow ~ into one anothe]r虹的色彩交融调和

bless v.神圣化;祈福 [OE bloedsian, ]

blight n.v.障害;阴影;枯凋;挫折 [blighted毁灭的;受虫害的]

blink v.闪烁 [partly var of blenk = BLENCH, partly ]

bliss n.极乐;极大幸福;喜悦 [OE bliths, bliss ]

blithe a.快乐的;无忧无虑的

blitz n.v.闪击战;以闪击战攻击 [abbr of BLITZKRIEG(德语)= blitz]

blizzard n.大风雪;突发事件 [US ‘violent blow‘(1829), ‘snowstorm‘(1859)]

bloat v.n.熏制;膨胀;自负 [obs. bloat swollen, soft and wet, perh. ]

bloated a.发胀的;傲慢的 [a ~ face 浮肿的脸 ~ with (from) overeating 因吃得太多而浮胖 a ~ politician 自大的政客 He is ~ with] [pride 他狂妄自大]

blockade n.v.封锁;堵塞;堵塞 [BLOCK+-ADE, prob after ambuscade= ambush]

blond a.金发男人 [ME ]

bloom n.花,开花;鲜美;红润 [OE bloma]

blossom n.花;群花;开花期,花季 [OE blostm(a) prob. formed as BLOOM]

blot n.v.污痕;弱点;抹脏;吸干 [ME prob.]

blotch n.v.污点;斑点;弄脏 [17th c: ]

bloted a.肿胀的

blotto a.烂醉的 [20th c: perh ]

blouse n.罩衫

blowhard n.吹牛大家

bludgeon n.v.棍棒;强迫;胁迫;恫吓 [~ a person to death 把某人打死 ~ a person into going along 强迫某人同行]

blueprint n.蓝图;设计图

bluestocking n.女学者;醉心文学的女人 [from the (less formal) blue stockings worn by one man at a literary society meeting c.1750]

bluff v.虚张声势

blunder v.犯错误 [ME prob ]

blunt a.钝的;粗卤的;生硬的 [blunge 混合(泥土与水等);参水拌]

blur v.使乌黑;变模糊 [16th c: perh rel to BLEAR眼睛花的;朦胧的,模糊不清的]

blurt v.滑口说出 [In his anger he ~ed out the secret ]他在生气之下脱口说出了秘密
