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中华考试网   2010-09-16   【
 The word disrupted in the passage is closest in meaning to

  ○ prolonged

  ○ established

  ○ followed

  ○ upset

  解析:disrupt 在的文章句子中出现and连接的并列信息hurt,根据这一并列信息,我们可以得出disrupt在此句中的意思为upset。

  4. 因果关系

  Example: OG Practice Set 6, question 1

  Passage 1: …Feeding, courtship, preproduction, and even “rest” are carried out while in constant motion. As a result, practically every aspect of the body form and function of these swimming “machines” is adapted to enhance their ability to swim.

  The word enhance in the passage is closest in meaning to

  ○ use

  ○ improve

  ○ counteract

  ○ balance

  解析:enhance 在的文章句子中出现表示因果关系的短语as a result,根据前一句中的原因,我们可以得出enhance在此句中的意思为improve。

  5. 连词or

  Example: OG The EXPRESSION OF EMOTIONS question 1

  Passage 1: Joy and sadness are experienced by people in all cultures around the world, but how can we tell when other people are happy or despondent? It turns out that the expression of many emotions may e universal…

  The word despondent in the passage is closest in meaning to

  ○ curious

  ○ unhappy

  ○ thoughtful

  ○ uncertain

  解析:despondent 所在的文章句子中出现疑问句,疑问句中的连词or 表示选择,因此我们可以得出despondent在此句中的意思为unhappy。

