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中华考试网   2011-03-14   【

  1,you bet 当然,是的,确实是这样

  -Are you still planning to go to the concert?

  You bet I am

  -Are you looking forward to your move in April?

  You bet I am, the rooms here are too small, and there is no storage space

  2,you can say that again 用于对别人所说的话表示非常赞同

  -This room is freezing

  You can say that again

  3,you said it 表示赞同

  -Now that they are soundproofed room, it sure is a lot easier to work in here

  You said it

  -Isn’t it wonderful that Sally won the scholarship?

  You said it

  4,you are telling me 用来表示事情已经很清楚,用不着多说 /// 或 用来表示非常赞同

  -This is the longest assignment we’ve had all semester

  You are telling me
