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来源:焚题库 [2020-04-30] 【





    •teaching objectives
    •teaching contents
    •key and difficult points
    •major steps and time allocation
    •activities and justifications

    Teaching Contents:
    It is about recording an experience in weekend.
    Teaching Objectives:
    (1)Knowledge objective
    Students can master the rule of verbs changing into past tense and know how to use these verbs to describe an experience in a composition.
    (2)Ability Objective
    Through writing practice, students! logical thinking can be improved and they are able to give well- organized and systematical descriptions.
    (3)Emotional objective
    Students can inspire their affection to life.
    Teaching Key and Difficult Points:
    (1)Students can write their past experiences.
    (2)Student can improve their comprehensive skills.
    Teaching Steps:
    Step 1 Pre-writing(8 minutes)
    Ask students to use the correct forms of following verbs to fill the blanks. Then show the answers on the PPT.
    I had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I______my room. In the afternoon, I______ my homework. It was a little difficult. On Saturday night, I stayed at home and______cook dinner. On Sunday morning, I______to the library, read a book about history. Then in the afternoon, I______with my friends. On Sunday night, I______ . I saw an interesting talk show.
    (Justification: Review and practice the grammars what students have learned before, which lays foundation for their following writing.)
    Step 2 While-writing(12 minutes)
    (1)Ask students to write an outline about44what did you do last weekend" by answering the following questions:
    ①Where did you go last weekend?
    ②What did you do?
    ③When did you do that?
    ④Who did you do that with?
    ⑤How was your weekend?
    Then ask students to integrate their answers by applying transition words such as in the morning/ afternoon/night? and then, on Saturday/Sunday, etc.
    (2)Lead students to summarize how to write about what they did last weekend.
    (Justification: Through the activity, students can know how to write an outline, which is helpful for their following writing.)
    Step 3 Post-writing(5 minutes)
    (1)Show the standards of writing, and ask volunteers to read aloud their writings to their classmates.
    (2)Let students assess the writings and give suggestions and opinions.
    (3)Comment on both the writing and the assessment. Give more appraise to encourage students to love writing.
    (Justification: Through these activitives, students can know how to correct their mistakes and know the standards of writing, which will help them in their future writing activities.)

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