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VOA流行美语第109课:tick sb. off

来源:考试网   2010-04-23【
第109课:tick sb. off

Larry和李华正在图书馆里看书,在他们旁边有个学生在用手机打电话。今天李华会学到两个常用语:to tick someone off和get lost.

(Someone talking on the phone loudly)

LL: It really ticks me off when people talk so loudly in the library. Don't they realize that other people are trying to study?

LH: 就是嘛,在图书馆里这么大声说话,真讨厌!Hey,Larry, 你说tick me off,那是什么意思啊?

LL: That person ticks me off means he irritates me. To tick someone off is to annoy or irritate someone.

LH: 噢,to tick someone off就是惹人生气,让人讨厌的意思。没错!那家伙说话这么大声害我不能专心看书。Larry,我们是不是该跟他说说呢?

LL: No, that's okay. I think he's leaving now anyway. Thank God. Besides, that would be a rude thing to say to someone's face.

LH: 对噢,当众要他小声点似乎也太厉害,不够礼貌。你看他走了,谢天谢地。Larry,你知道还有什么事tick me off , 惹我生气吗?

LL: What ticks you off, Li Hua?

LH: 哼!Smith 教授在假期里给我们安排这么多作业,真是气人!这样我们根本没有机会好好休息嘛!

LL: Yeah, that ticks me off, too, but there's nothing we can do about it. What else ticks you off?

LH: 说的也是,我啊再抱怨,作业还是得做。嗯,还有什么事让我生气的啊?对了,我那同屋常常三更半夜才回家,每次都把我吵醒,我一生气就怎么也睡不着了!

LL: No wonder you look so tired lately. You should really talk to your roommate about that. You need to sleep.

LH: 我看起来很累的样子,是不是?哎呀,真糟糕。我是该跟她好好谈谈,可是这种事情真的很难开口嘛!

LL: You can just very politely tell her that it really ticks you off when she comes home so late and ask her to try and be more quiet.

LH: 很礼貌地告诉她她那么晚回来让我生气?让她小声一点?唉,我得好好想想该怎么说才不让她生气。I don't want to tick her off.
责编:Amanda 评论 纠错


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