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来源:华课网校   2018-01-16【


  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

  1) describe the drawing briefly,

  2) explain its intended meaning, and then

  3) state your point of view.

  You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.



  The picture reveals a scenario that is commonly seen in any urban area. A woman on the third floor of a building is happily hanging up the clothes she just washed on a sunny day, ignoring that the dropping water is drenching the dry coverlets hung by her neighbor downstairs. The victim looks very annoyed by the women’s selfish behavior.

  It goes without saying that the drawing targets at assailing the deteriorating relationship among neighborhoods or communities. Not only friendship between neighbors becomes rarer, people even tend to forget that helping each other is our ethical responsibility. In contrast, they prefer to place their own interest at the utmost position, overwhelming the fact that others have the same rights. The result is that neighbors are often like strangers, who would never talk to each other of even a single word after living in the same building for years. It is also not surprising to hear news about old people died in their apartments without being known for month.

  As the Chinese saying goes, a close neighbor is better than a distant cousin. It fully testifies that neighboring friendship is one of the traditional Chinese virtues, which should not be abandoned or omitted. In short, I firmly believe that maintaining a sound relationship with those who live nearby will make life easier and happier.






  drench: v. 弄湿,湿透

  coverlet: n. 被单,床单

  annoyed: adj. 苦恼的,懊恼的

  assail: v. 质问,攻击

  exceed: v. 超过

  testify: v. 证明,证实

  abandon: v. 放弃


  The picture reveals a scenario that is commonly seen in any urban area.

  The drawing targets at…

  As the Chinese saying goes, a near neighbor is better than a distant cousin..

责编:examwkk 评论 纠错


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