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来源:华课网校   2017-11-07【




  We’re having a… can you come?

  We’ll…,will you join us?

  我希望你能参加……。好吗?I would like you to come to …

  我们准备……,非常希望你能来。 We’re planning…,will you give us the pleasure of your company?

  我们希望你尽可能来参加 We’d love to have you here if you can possibly make it.

  你愿意来……吗?How would you like to come to…?

  你来得了吗?Can you be present?/Will you come?

  我们都盼望你来。We hope you can come. / We’re eager to have you here./ We should like to have you join us.

  愿意来……吗?Would you care to come for…?

  敬请光临request the pleasure of the company of sb.

  request the honour of sb.’s presence

  cordially invite the pleasure of sb….

  为欢迎••to meet sb./in honor of sb

  为纪念…诞辰 to commemorate the… birthday of sb./In honour of../

  为庆祝…金婚 to celebrate the gold wedding of…

  某人届时将出席 sb.will be present

  请答复 R.S.V.P.[reply, if you please] /Please reply/ Kindly send reply to sb./Please respond to sb./ The favor of a reply is requested

责编:examwkk 评论 纠错


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