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来源:考试网   2011-08-12【
Task 3

  Directions: The following is a letter recommending a product after reading it; you are required to complete the outline below it (No. 46 to No. 50). You should write your answers briefly (in not more titan three words) on the Answer

  Sheet correspondingly.

  PLR Air Conditioning Center

  27 West Street

  Plaines City

  IA America 50705

  March 6, 2004

  Ms. Li Chunhua, President

  New Era Engineering Group

  26 Renmin Street

  Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China


  Dear Ms. Li,

  Thank you very much for allowing us to present to you our recommendation for a PLR Air Conditioning System. We would like also to express our appreciation to Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Wu for their help as we collected the data necessary for this proposal.

  After thoroughly analyzing your company’s engineering requirements, we believe that you will find this proposed PLR system satisfactory. It will provide the

责编:wangtian543 评论 纠错


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  • 会计考试
  • 建筑工程
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