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来源:华课网校  [2016年4月6日]  【


  221.答案A.would/had rather do A(than do B)“宁愿……(而不愿)(如He would rather listen to others than talk himself;I’d rather have the red one than the green one;I’d rather deal with a man than with a woman;I’d rather you knew that now than afterwards;Rather than get money in such a dishonest way,he would beg in the streets.)(从以上各例句不难看出:than前后所比较的成分必须对等,可以是动词不定式、名词或介词短语)prefer vt.”更喜欢,宁愿“(句型:prefer A to B;prefer doing A to doing B;prefer to do A do B)would like”愿意,希望“(句型:would like sth/-ing/to-V/sb to-V)feel like sth/-ing“感到想”

  222.答案B.sufficient(for/to-V) adj.“足够的,充分的”efficient adj.“效率高的,有能力的”△persistent adj.(定语或表语)“持续的,顽强存在的;坚持不懈的,执意的”rich adj.“富有的,有钱的;富饶的,丰富的(in);肥沃的”

  223.答案C.tame vt.“驯服,制服”tend vt.“照管,照看,照料;护理”cultivate vt.“培养,陶冶(情操);耕作,种植”breed vt.“饲养,繁殖”

  224.答案D.alike adj.“同样的,想象的”(只作表语)similar(to) adj.“类似,相似”same adj.“相同的,一样的”(必须与定冠词连用)like adj.(表语或定语)“相像的,相同的”

  225.答案B.bring sth to mind“使回想起”(如The story you have just told brings to mind a strange thing that once happened to me.)refresh vt.“使精神振作,使精力恢复;使记起”(以人作主语,常说refresh sb’s memory)stimulate vt.“刺激,激励”remind vt.“使想起,提醒”(句型:remind sb of/about sth;remind sb to-V;remind sb that…;remind的主语可以是人或事物,但宾语必须是人)

  226.答案C.deal with “论述,涉及;处理;与……打交道;和……做买卖”(后面不跟其它三个介词)

  227.答案D.account for“解释,说明(原因,钱是怎么花的);是造成……的原因;占(多大比例)”(如He could’t account for his absence from school;He was unable to account for the deficit in the firm’s bank balance;Late frosts accounted for the poor fruit-crop;Women account for half of the population.)(后面不跟其他三个介词)

  228.答案B.a step towards“迈向……的一步”(后面一般不跟其它三个介词)

  229.答案A.protest (against) vi./n.“抗议,反对”(句型:to protest to sb against sth;to make/enter/lodge a protest against sth;in protest against“抗议”;without protest“乖乖地,毫无反对表示地”;do sth under protest“不情愿地”)deny vt.“否认,不承认;拒绝给予”upset vt.“打翻,弄翻;使心烦意乱,使苦恼”compete(with/against sb in sth for sth)vi.“竞争,比赛”

  230.答案B.compare with“比较,对照;(能与……)相比较”(后面还可以跟to ,但不跟其它三个介词)

  231.答案C.break into “突然……起来”(break into tears/laughter/applause/cheers/blossom/song/open war);“强行进入,破门而入”(break into a house/a bank);“打扰,打断(讲话)”(break into a discussion/a conversation)break in“闯入;插嘴”(单独用,后面不跟宾语)break off“中止,中断;断绝(关系);停工休息”(单独用或后面跟宾语)break out“爆发;突然发生”

  232.答案D.hand over “交出,移交”(hand sth over sb)hand in“交上,递交”hand out“分发,散发”hand down“把……传下去;把……传下来”

  233.答案C.get…across(to sb)“把……讲清楚,让听懂,使被了解”(如He got his meaning across;get across a theory to his students;The message got across all right.)get around“(消息)传开;四处走走;回避,绕过”;(get around to sth)“找时间做某事”get on to“接着干(下一件事,谈下一个问题)”get down to sth“开始认真干某事”

  234.答案A.optimistic(about)adj.“乐观的,乐观主义的;令人乐观的”(如He was optimistic about the future of mankind;There are optimistic signs for the company’s future.反义词pessimistic“悲观的”)optional adj.“可以任选的,非强制的”obvious adj.“显然的,明显的”outstanding adj.“突出的,杰出的,显著的”

  235.答案A.proportion n.“比例;部分,份儿;均衡,相称”(be in proportion to“与……成比例;与……比较起来”,如payment in proportion to the work done,not in proportion to the time taken to do it;This door is narrow in proportion to its height;in the proportion with/to“与……不成比例”:The door is out of proportion with the windows;The price of the article is out of all proportion to its value.)○correlation n.“相互关系,伴随关系;关联(作用)”connection n.“关系,连接”(in connection with关于,有关,和……联系起来)correspondence n.[u]“通信,通信联系;相当,相似处”( in correspondence with)

  236.答案B.fetch vt.“去拿来;请来;接回”carry vt.“携带,运载;传送,输送”bring vt.“拿来,带来”reach vt.“抵达,到达;伸手(拿)

  237.答案C.ensure vt.“保证,担保“(句型:ensure sb sth;ensure sth to sb”确保某人得到“;ensure sb against”使不受“;ensure-ing/that “保证”)assured vt.“向……保证,肯定地说;使确信,使放心”(句型:assure sth;assure sb sth;assure sb of sth;assure sb that…)secure the door/locks;secure sb/a place against/from danger;后面不跟从句)issure v.“发行,颁布;出版;(使)流出,发出”(后面不跟从句)

  238.答案A.injure vt.“伤害,损害,损伤”damage vt.(一般指对物体)“毁坏,损害”harm vt.“伤害,损害,危害”(可指对物体或人造成有形的或无形的、肉体的或精神上的、具体的或抽象的损害或伤害)wound vt.“使受伤,伤害”(注:injure一般指事故伤害;harm一般指有意的或无意的造成的有形的、精神的或抽象意义上的伤害;damage一般指人为ideas或自然所造成的损坏;wound一般指在战争或斗殴中造成的枪伤或刀伤,也可指对某人造成精神、荣誉或情感上的伤害)

  239.答案D.rare adj.“少有的,罕见的;稀有的,难得的;稀薄的,稀疏的“scare adj.“缺乏的,不足的;稀少的,不易找到的”minor adj.“较少的,较小的,较次要的”slight adj.“轻微的,微小的;纤细的,瘦弱的”

  240.答案B.permission n.[u]“允许,许可,准许”permit n.[c]“许可证,执照”right n.“权利;正确,正当”freedom n.[u]“自由”

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