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来源:中华考试网   2014-04-09   【

  1、四川,电子科大 rm5,年轻光头,怕是笑面虎

  major tv 高中 现在过去以后…爬2building,爬3历史,房屋变化生活变化如何学东西在building 里历史建筑还重要么 大家对历史建筑的看法都干什么…

  2、 成都电子科大 RM6 白人男纸 胖胖的好可爱 感觉比想像中好一点 如果分数也给我给的可爱的话就更好

  3、电子科大 RM12 中年男,略猥琐,打分儿时还把双手藏桌子下面了

  part1 full name work or study birthday sunshine

  par2 different weather in seasons

  part3different works in different seasons

  adelaide unisa

  4、p1 住哪儿和cooking相关问题 p2省钱买东西 p3各种跟钱有关跟省钱有关和跟攒钱有关的问题

  5、NSW navitass room328

  Part1 how often do you use odictionary , do u like to use elec dictionary or traditional one, do you like to editing a dic, what do a dic as a gift.

  Part 2 an interesting object that you family kept.

  Part 3 old objects and modern objects


  part1 favourite singer;

  par2 move home or school (when,where,why);

  part3 effect
