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来源:中华考试网   2012-05-23   【

  What’s the difference between jobs in the past and nowadays?

  Describe a wedding you attended

  What’s the wedding like in your country?

  What’s the difference between the traditional weddings and modern weddings?

  What do you think is an ideal marriage age?

  Some people say to have a wedding is a waste of money. What do you think?

  Which is better, a big wedding or a small wedding?

  Describe a country you would like to go

  How do you compared with traveling alone and traveling with your family?

  Who do you prefer to travel with?

  What possible difficulties could happen during a travel?

  Do people like traveling in your country? Where?

  What quality should your traveling partners have?

  What kind of people travel abroad and what will they do during the trip?

  Describe an interesting shop

  Do your friends like this shopping place?

  What’s the difference of the way people shopping between today and the past?

  Why do some people enjoy shopping in shopping center while others like to go to supermarket?

  What’s the difference between online shopping and in-store shopping?

  Which has better service, shopping mall or small shopping places?

  Describe your favorite food/restaurant

  Should children be educated how to cook?

  Should children be educated about the source of the food? Like where they come from.

  What do you think of unhealthy food?

  What should people do to avoid eating fast food?

  Will Chinese food have some changes in the future?

  What are the benefits of eating at home compared with eating in a restaurant?

  What do you think makes healthy diet?

  What makes people’s diet unhealthy?

  How can you do encourage people to eat healthy diet?

  Part Three 部分注意的是思路的拓展,这部分所考验的不仅仅是你给出的opinion, 更多的,考官是想看到你对这个问题的insight. 因此,在平日的练习中,要尽量多挖掘,多做brain storming,尽量避免重复大多数人都常会想到的观点。
