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来源:中华考试网   2011-12-20   【
Part 2&3PersonDescribe a teacher you want to see again.Describe a famous person which impacts you very much, you should say:Who that person is?Why he/she impacts you?What his / her famous works are?Describe a person whom you live / have lived with for a long time. You should say:Who the person is?How long you have been living together?What are the usual things that you do together?FoodDescribe a foreign cuisine.ShoppingDescribe a special thing you want to buy in the futureWill the special thing help you in your study?Do you like to go shopping?What are the effective ways of advertising?Why do you like shopping?Where do you usually go shopping?How often do you go shopping?What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern ways of shopping?Are there any differences between the old and modern ways of shopping?MediaDo you like writing letters?Do you often write letters?What do you write?Describe a meaningful letter or card.Do you usually write by hand or using a computer?Do you keep contact with your friends by making phone calls or writing letters?Who do you usually receive letters from?Do you think hand writing is important nowadays?How can children improve their handwriting?AdvertisementWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of adverting?Do people usually buy goods after watching advertisements?Are there any differences between the advertisements in magazines and those on TV?Describe a TV program you dislike.Describe an interesting story you saw on televisionWhat are the effects of televisions on family life?What are the effects of televisions on people at different ages?Are there any differences between interviewing online and meeting people face to face?Describe a TV programDescribe a story from a TV programmeDo you talk about the TV programme with other people?Do you think the programme will be changed in the future?How does the programme influence people?Is it educational?Is it fair for those TV stars to be paid huge salaries?What kind of program do you like?Describe a TV program you dislikeAre there many political programmes in China?How do they influence people?Describe a bookDescribe a book you read in your childhood.Describe a equipment(except computer)When did you buy it?What do you use it for?How do you feel about it?Describe a movieHow many types of films are there in China?What are the mainstream films?Are there any differences between watching films in a cinema and at home?Do you prefer original films with subtitles or dubbed films?What kind of films are worth watching in the cinema.Describe an article you read in a magazine/newspaper.PlaceDescribe a libraryWhere is the library?Is it a campus or public one?Which parts of the library do you like and dislike?Should children go to public libraries? How about the elderly?Does the government have the responsibility to construct public libraries?Is it important to learn how to use a library?Describe how to use a library.How do children benefit from going to public libraries?How can the elderly benefit from libraries?Where is the school located?What do classrooms look like?Describe a place where it is noisy.Where is this place?Why it is so noisy?How do you feel about this place?Historical placeWhy do people go to historical places?Which is your country’s most famous historical place?Should people pay entrance fees to historical places? Could you tell me about a famous historical place that you have visited?