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来源:中华考试网   2011-08-24   【

--  作者:凸小V
--  发布时间:2011-8-13 17:39:00
上海华师大 8月13日 RM103 part 1: major, interest, collection, organize your time part 2: an international food you want to try part 3: 中国人喜欢什么食物 yong people cook 现在和以前有什么不同 为什么欧美人有更多饮食健康问题 government是否应该控制饭店厨房里的食物 microwave烹饪食物你觉得positive or negtive 感觉真的问了我好多问题哦- -但我依旧很紧张,感觉语法那个叫一团乱呐~~~啊啊啊~~~~ 大家还是加油加油加油~~~~ 这个烤鸭太熟了。
--  作者:habasun
--  发布时间:2011-8-13 18:20:00


part1: 1. Are you working or studing?

              what is your major?

              what do you find interesteding in your major?

          2. When was the last time you sent gift?

              Do you think it is difficult to send a gift?

          3. What kind of things do you collect?

              How do people collect things?

              what purpose do people collect thing for?


part2:  What will you change in your lifestyle to keep fit and healthy?

           You should say:

           1. What will you change in your lifestyle?

           2. What will help you to change your lifestyle?

           3. How is that easy or difficult for you?


part3: 1. What kinds of activities do people usually do to keep fit in China?

              What kinds of people usually do exercise in China?

              Do people exercise indoor or outdoor? 

          2. What kind of food do people eat to keep healthy?

              Do your think food now is more healthy than the past?       




