当前位置:中华考试网 >> 雅思考试 >> 雅思预测 >> 雅思预测:王陆老师2012年6月雅思口语预测(下)


来源:中华考试网   2012-06-04   【


  What do Chinese like to collect?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of collections?

  What did you like to collect when you were young?

  Living place

  Do you live in a flat or a house?

  What is there on the wall of your home?

  What can be seen outside the windows of your place?

  Do you like your living environment?

  Is it good or bad for children?

  Is there anything for improvement?


  Do you like taking photos?

  On what kind of situations do you take photos?

  Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos?


  What kind of food do you like?

  Which is most important to you, breakfast, lunch or supper?

  Do you think we should have more meals or have much at one meal?

  What did you like to eat when you were young?考试用书

  Do you still eat it now?

  What would you give to your children in the future?

  Do you like cooking?

  Who does the cooking in your family?

  What does he or she like to cook?

  Would you cook more in the future?


  What weather do you like?

  What is the weather like today?

  Do you think that weather may affect people’s mood?


  How do Chinese people learn dancing?

  Children will go to dancing class to learn it. Some old people will go to the park to learn it from others.

  On what occasions do Chinese dance?

  Chinese go dancing as an exercise, and some do it every morning. Others will dance during festivals, but there is no such a tradition in my family.

  At the wedding ceremony
