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来源:中华考试网   2012-02-16   【


  Model Answer1

  There is a picture of my mother father and myself when I was a baby. We had been at the photo studio all day long and like every child I hated taking pictures. I was annoyed and there was no way the photographer was going to get me to smile. As a result, my mother and father were standing and I was sitting there pouting. It's just so cute!

  I like it because it is unique. I use self-timer taking pictures and smile all the time although I am not photographic, but this is the only one I was pouting with silly face. Also, it was the first time I took a picture in a photo studio with my family, so it was a memorabilia experience for me and my family. Moreover, such an old picture can reminds me of the childhood happiness which is being a stupid kid doing whatever I want. Now, I have already hung this family picture in the dining room so I can see it all the time.

  Model Answer2

  I'm going to talk about a photograph I took with my girlfriend when we were on vacation in Bali. Actually, I took the photo myself, I put a self-timer on my car and ran back to pose with my girlfriend. You know I'm bit of an amateur photographer myself, so I know a thing or two about cameras.

  The photo was taken about two years ago when we decided to go to Bali during the spring festival. Bali is a great getaway during the winter time because of its wonderful geographical location. It's summertime all round the year in Bali. The picture was taken from the balcony of our hotel room, the background of the picture was the beautiful blue sea and the white beaches of Bali. Although we weren't exactly very photogenic in the picture, the view was awesome.

  I really like this photo because it is a souvenir of the first trip I made with my girlfriend, it marks one of those important milestones in our relationship, and every time I see the photo I get a good laugh because we were making silly faces in the picture, so it's a fun little memorabilia.
