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来源:中华考试网   2011-09-24   【


  An enjoyable visit from others


  Good news from phone

  Something that is good for health

  Your favorite subject

  A science lesson you learned

  An exciting sport (a sport you want to be good at)

  A naughty thing you did in your childhood

  A piece of advice you got

  A special family event


  A job that has an influence on the world

  An activity you enjoy outside the door

  Something you want to do for environment

  A wild animal

  A new law in China

  A piece of interesting news/a news story that made you happy

  A leisure activity

  A skill you learned from internet (something you are good at/a skill you want to learn)

  What would you do if you have one day from work or study (结合27张核心卡片中92, 93, 95,96,97, 107都可以)

  a successful thing you did (结合动物保护,生日,组织婚礼都可以)



  something you want to succeed in doing

  a musical event you went to

  a conversation on the phone (可以用116,117,生日和婚礼的内容)

  a match you took part in or watched

  happy event in your childhood (小时候的高兴事)

  a foreign food you would like to try

  a change you would like to make to improve your fitness or health
