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来源:中华考试网   2011-09-20   【


  ☆Describe a skill you wish to learn. (Using a computer programme, you can also call a computer programme “an application” or simply “an app” / Cooking / making something by yourself)

  ☆Describe something you did on your computer(用电脑工作的本质就是使用软件http://www.baycongroup.com/tutorials.htm 提供了最常见英文软件的基础知识)

  ☆ Describe something you succeeded in doing. / Describe something you hope you can be successful in.

  ☆ Describe a musical event. (Day 8 F:音乐会)

  Describe a special family event.

  ☆ Describe an interesting / unusual thing you did recently.

  ☆ Describe a sports game / match you watched. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport 从左侧任挑一种运动,点击后就有对该运动的最新赛事详细介绍)

  Describe a naughty thing you did when you were a child.(Day 10)

  ☆ Describe an important festival people celebrate in your country. / Describe a celebration. (Day 8: F & Day 10十大弱智话题第四个)

  ☆ Describe a happy event.

  Describe a piece of good news you heard on the phone or via email.

  Describe an exciting message.

  Describe a practical skill/ something you’re good at.

  Describe some advice/a suggestion your received before.(最容易准备的估计就是你决定出国的过程中父母和好朋友给你的建议了,亲身经历能说得更“有料”,同时请参考Day 10十大弱智话题3)

  ☆Describe a conversation (on the phone) that you enjoyed. (同上)

  Describe a situation when you needed help. (同上)

  Describe a letter you received. (Day 8: F)

  Describe a sports event.
